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All our plans include
all our features.

Try it free. No contracts. Cancel anytime.

If you wanna rid your CRM of duplicates, this is the plan for you. Includes every feature we offer, plus unlimited merges, unlimited integrations, and no per user fees.


Unlimited merges

Merge all you want. It's all unlimited.


Unlimited integrations

Connect all your customer databases. No extra costs.


Unlimited support

Don't problem-solve stuff we know the answer to.


Bulk merge

The fastest way to rid your CRM of duplicates.



Future-proof your deduping right away.


ISO 27001

Your data security matters.


Similar & fuzzy-match

Find duplicates you couldn't find anywhere else.


Merge rules

Pre-set which record data win in the merge.


Merge safety

Never lose or compromise important data.

and more...custom merging, ignore frequent words, similar matching, one-by-one merging, filter by any fields, match by any combo of native and custom fields.

Discover the best
pricing in the industry.

1 contact + 1 company + 1 deal = 3 records.

I have30,000CRM records.

Scott Brinker
"Our customers want to achieve great results fast."Everybody at HubSpot already knows what Dedupely can do, and we’re really excited to have them as part of the App Partner Program. Scott Brinker VP of platform ecosystem at HubSpot.


Is there a minimum contract period?

No. You can cancel anytime.

Is there a free trial?

Yes. And no credit card is required.

Is there a free plan?

No. Once you've tried us out you're gonna wanna pay us.

What is a record?

1 contact + 1 company + 1 deal are 3 separate records.

What happens if I exceed my record limit?

We'll let you know by email and in Dedupely.